Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My 1st SAL: Lizzie Kate Green Flip

In 2013 I decided to follow the SAL with my stitching friends. It is for seven months from January until July. It's really pleasant moment and I really enjoy the process ^_^ 
Can you imagine tens of stitcher working on the same project even though they are in different places? How interesting, isn't?
The first SAL theme is Green Flip from Lizzie Kate. A lovely pattern. So easy to stitch and really quick to finish but never loses its charm, lol. Lizzie Kate designs always a simple pattern with beautiful and inspiring words. "Be well, live peaceably with the Earth", see? It's beautiful words.
A Lizzie Kate Green Flip designs divided into six parts, so every month we have to finish one part and so on until finished in the seventh month.

And this is mine...

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